Nadya Raessa

Nadya the Big Girl

If there’s anything I should really stop doing as a mom, it’s to never underestimate my kids, Nadya especially cos Raees is too young now, it’s hard to say. Lol.

At two yrs old, I was scared of letting go of her pacifier. She was really attached to it from young and she is the kind yang kalau her pacifier takde, she will call out for it. “chootchoot… Where are you.” hahahaha

So I was really nervous. First time I tried, it went badly cos I gave in cos tak sampai hati. Then one day I just tried again. I didn’t plan on anything. I just told myself, talk to her nicely.

The 1st night was hard cos I did a cold turkey on her. She went to sleep sucking on an imaginary pacifier, woke up twice to look for it again but fell asleep right after. The next morning, she went looking for it but I asked her if it’s okay she doesn’t use the pacifier anymore cos she’s a big girl and she was surprisingly calm. I was really surprised cos I was honestly expecting a meltdown. The 2nd night, she went to sleep without the pacifier with no fuss at all. And that was it. It went surprisingly easy. Each time she sees any kids with a pacifier on, she will look at me and say “Nadya big girl, cannot.”

Continue reading “Nadya the Big Girl”


Oh hello!

It’s March and it’s my 1st entry for 2019. I’ve not blogged for more than 6mths now. tsk tsk.

I wonder if people still read blogs. I still do. I just find it easier to update on Instagram and the Instagram Stories function is making it even easier to “tell my everyday story”.

But I want to blog more. So much has happened and IG Stories, they aren’t forever. I’m losing my archives bit by bit and sometimes I hate that I write lengthy captions on my IG / FB posts. But I’m so long-winded, I can’t help it.

More posts soon, i hope.



Random Thoughts

It’s 11.30pm on a Wednesday night and everyone is asleep. Both Nadya & Rusly sprawled on the floor. Raees is sleeping so soundly next to me on the sofa while I complete some artwork.

The house is almost quiet. I have Ghostbusters playing in the background. Rusly was supposed to watch it but he fell asleep halfway. What’s new right?

I stare at all of them. All of these Allah’s being that He has planned for me to be with till the end of time Insha Allah.

Allah has it all planned that Rusly is my jodoh and Nadya & Raees are my amanah. I still find it surreal, to be honest. To have a pair of kids (really cute, I must add) sleeping in my living room.

We’ve certainly come a long way since the diagnosis 5yrs ago. Alhamdulillah.


Next trip out!

Believe it or not, I spent weeks thinking about where to go for our 1st 2018 trip because we didn’t manage to travel anywhere in 2017 cos of the IVF & the pregnancy. For someone who’s usually very go-jer when it comes to almost anything, I just don’t travel when I’m pregnant. So the moment Raees turned 1mth old, I quickly applied for his passport. Lol

With that out of the way, where to go to is another problem. I wanted Japan. Cherry blossoms would be nice but the weather might pose a problem for Raees cos he’s still quite young & the last time we went Tokyo, Nadya got the sniffles even with a flu jab. So I don’t think cold weather would be ideal for young babies.

Continue reading “Next trip out!”


New Kid in the House

And so this happened right after Nadya’s 3rd Birthday Party. I celebrated my first born’s birthday in advance just in case the 2nd born decides to show up early & that mum’s gut feeling is so on point!

Say hello to Raees Nadym.

Birth story will come later because it is so full of action.

Le Familia, Motherhood, Nadya Raessa

Nadya’s 3rd

Nadya is turning 3 in January and this crazy over-achiever mummy decided to throw her a birthday party & i have only 2 weeks to plan for it. Need i also remind myself that i’m currently 36 weeks pregnant? I’ll be 38 weeks pregnant during the party so yes just hoping Adik can stay in there until after the party. U nak keluar the malam after the party pun i tak kisah k adik. U kasi your kakak chance feeling dulu k.

We’re keeping the guestlist really small though, unlike her 1st Birthday where i invited most of my relatives since i didn’t do any cukur rambut for her & all. So this one will be small & cozy. Just our immediate family & close friends.

I showed Nadya all the cartoon characters she loves although deep inside I know which one she’ll choose tapi i nak try my luck jugak and as expected, she chose Frozen! urgggh. I’m so done with Queen Elsa to be honest but the girl loves her Frozen and it’s her birthday so Frozen it is then! I actually hate cartoon characters themed birthday parties but when u have a toddler, it’s inevitable and this is the last “single” birthday party she’ll have. She’ll have to share the limelight with Adik the next time muahahaha.

I actually don’t have much to plan lah since it’ll be a small one. We are reusing some of her decoration stuff from her 1st birthday and then i found some cheap party stuff at Carousell so that should be it. Also arranged for food to be catered & favors for kids to be pre-packed. So there will be really minimal susahkan diri sendiri. Lol

2017 will be over soon & i honestly can’t wait for 2018 to happen.



Another Exhausted Mom.

Some people just don’t realize how tiring it is to stay at home & take care of your kids on your own full time. You see your kids 24/7. The moment u wake up & sleep, your entire day revolves around them.

I have no idea why people think SAHM shake leg at home because i think that’s one thing we can’t afford to do. You’re always needed somewhere to do something for your kid.

I’m not complaining though cos this is what i chose and though tiring, i find satisfaction in it. Just like how some people find satisfaction in acquiring a new contract at work etc.

My point is, we are all struggling as mothers. SAHMs are not perfect mummies just because we stay home & be with our kids 24/7 and it u’re a FTWM, don’t look down on SAHM macam we’re good for nothing and if you’re a SAHM, don’t judge a mom for wanting to work for her own money. You & me, we’re both struggling as mothers. Only difference is we have different sets of struggles. But they are struggles too.

I’m just exhausted today. From being a mom & being pregnant. Had to wake up earlier today to send & pick Nadya up from school & them clever me took the train instead of just Grab-bing home. I had to clean up the kitchen upon reaching home & then do the laundry after that. Settle Nadya’s lunch & then get her to clean up the mess she made with her toys. Getting her to clean up is more exhausting than cleaning it up myself but girl gotta learn to clean up after herself.

So yeah that’s why i’m ranting in this post and also because i chanced upon a FB post by a mummy saying she feels like people look down on her cos she’s a SAHM & surprisingly so many others can relate to her & it feels so sad. Why are people judging others on their life choices?

Why can’t people just mind their own business? So yeah that’s the whole gist of this post. K bye.

IVF Cycle No 2, Pregnancy, Third Trimester

31 weeks

We’ve passed the 30 weeks mark. o.m.g
Time pass by real quick with this one, it’s scary.

Didn’t we just go through IVF not too long ago? I’m getting increasingly heavy & uncomfortable lately. It feels sore down under and suddenly i feel like a first time mom again, googling everything. Why does it feel so sore in the last trimester?

That’s because baby is probably in a vertical lie. I totally forgot about it ok. I forgot baby will have limited room space by now to stay horizontal & might be in the bottoms down or heads down position by now.

Baby is also getting more active & kicks are more frequent these days. Tak yah tunggu malam. Siang malam dia main tendang2 bola kat dalam. Also getting more breathless now & cant walk for long. Can’t sit for long as well. Hahahaha. The third trimester is really one kind. Lol.

It’s funny though cos people keep telling me I’m very active for someone who’s pregnant but I feel otherwise! Not in a hurry to give birth though. I wanna feel pregnant for a bit more and spend more time with Nadya alone while I still can.

Nadya has been such a gem! Sometimes when I can’t get out of bed, she’ll offer to pull me up and when she sees me in pain, she’ll say “Be careful!” and sometimes she’ll offer to hold my hand to help me get around the house and say things like “slowly“. The 1st time she did that, I almost burst into tears. Lol

She’ll be a great sister, I’m sure of that, at least. ❤

Motherhood, Nadya Raessa, School


I’ve been thinking of homeschooling Nadya many times but I wasn’t sure if I can actually execute it on my own and I spoke to a friend recently about it & she told me that executing it is possible if I can manage my expectations and keep to a timetable.

I can manage my expectations (when u have a kid, you’ll more or less master this) but keeping to a timetable is slightly harder but with another child coming, I think we can somehow keep to a “loose” half-day timetable maybe? For a start. I’m not one to be tied to a schedule cos I love doing things at my own pace.

But I also firmly believe social interaction is essential for kids so I might put her up on weekly classes but not sure where & what kind of classes.

And no, I’m not that ambitious to homeschool Nadya all the way. It’ll only be till she starts formal education (Kindergarten) cos I’m keen on sending her to the MOE Kindergarten near our place, which I really really hope she can get into cos we’re only 500m away & will be given priority but… Nadya is a SG50 baby and we all know there’s A LOT of SG50 babies (hahahaha) so yeah, keeping our fingers crossed.

For now, the plan is to start off with 2-3 times a week, for 2-3 hours a day at a fixed timing. I’m still reading up on Homeschool Curriculum & Lesson plans we can follow. But if you know of any local mummies who homeschool their Pre-kindergarten kids & blog extensively on it, let me know?

I’m honestly still on the fence about it and might need more convincing on my part (and Rusly’s) cos he feels like I might have too much on our plate when the baby is out.

Just a disclaimer, I’m not anti-preschool or anything. Lol. I just cannot find a school I like within our area. The ones I’m considering (10-15mins away) only offer full-day programmes, which I’m not keen on. There is one I like which offers half-day programmes but it’s at least 30mins on public transport and they don’t offer transport services, which is a bummer and I really don’t want to send Nadya to preschool somewhere convenient just because she has to conform to society’s standard cos to me, formal education starts from kindergarten onwards. Before that age, play-based learning is still the best for them. But that’s just my opinion as a mom and I’m not an educator so don’t take my word for it. Hahaha.


IVF Cycle No 2, Pregnancy, Third Trimester

28 weeks

Home stretch! I’m in my last trimester already and for someone so kancheong like me, i really have not started on much. I’ve been having Braxton Hicks since few weeks ago but yesterday’s was much more noticeable cos i was out on my own with Nadya most of the time, walked a lot and all so just before sleep, it came stronger than before. But at least this time round i know it’s Braxton Hicks.

My heartburn is also showing up slowly. Was kinda glad it didn’t show up during early pregnancy. Read that it’s normal since we usually carry our babies lower during the second pregnancy. Thought I could escape it altogether but i guess baby is growing bigger & i have a short torso. So i guess no escaping it then. So uncomfortable especially during car rides. 😭

The nausea & headaches are back too, hello! Didn’t miss u at all during the 2nd trimester. Why do 2nd trimesters go by realllly quick eh? I’m so cranky it’s not funny.

Will be doing my glucose test on Tuesday. Not looking forward to it at all cos of the 3 hours wait and also cos i know i’ll probably be diagnosed with it again. So i’ve been having my ice cream dates with Nadya before i get diagnosed & feel too guilty to indulge.

I know I complain a lot this pregnancy but at the end of the day, it still feels nice to be pregnant again & i always look forward to night time when baby is more active & will be all topsy turvy and i get to see my tummy being lopsided & all.

13 weeks till i meet u sayang! ❤️